Burr and Burton Academy is a secondary high school, for boys and girls, age 14 to 19, 9 to 12th grade. The school has a total of 640 day students with an average of 50 international students. Our International students come from all over the world and they stay for a minimum of one semester to all 4 years of high school. The students that come for one semester or a year attend to improve their English, experience the high school life in the US and also experience our culture, depending on the country, the year can be validated. We also have students that come for multiple years to graduate and go on to college in the United States, they need to attend for a minimum of two years to have enough credits to get their high school diploma. Our international students stay in one of our 4 small dorms or with host families. At the dorms they live with faculty staff and their spouses. Our families are carefully selected and have our full attention. The students have the opportunity to take full advantage of our great selection of required classes, as well as elective classes. We have a great variety of art, music, theater, film and technology. We travel throughout the year to Washington DC and New York City and they participate in many weekend activities. They also have the opportunity to join our seasonal sports and clubs. Burr and Burton is located in a rural setting with all the comforts of a small safe city with many outdoor attractions. students can participate in our ski/snowboard program. Due to our numbers of international students, we are able to give them full support and we make sure they are perform well academically, socially and at home.
Membership in professional associations
New England Association of school and colleges
College Board
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hi, we are best leading firm in pakistan and already we are recruiting students for uk, australia, usa, china, russia and cyprus, plz send me agent agreement,
We are the leading Educational Agent here Pakistan ANd Dubai. We want to recruit students for your institute. For this purpose we need the Representative ship of your institute. Please reply to us as soon as possible. Thanks Shahzad Ahmad CEO A2Z Consultants Pvt Ltd. Phone 0092 423 7803907-8 Fax:- 0092 423 7803909 www.a2zconsultants.com Adress :- 23 Kashmir Block Allama Iqbal Town Lahore Pakistan.54000 Skype shahzad.ahmad81
I am pleased to inform you that we are working with many well known organisations and institutions from all around the world, and now we have a great opportunity to work with “WESTBRIDGE COLLEGE” London (United Kingdom) as well.
We are recruiting for July session in the following courses;
2-Travel & Tourism
3-Business Management
For more details about the courses on offer please visit www.wbc.ac
If you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.
Dear Andrea, if you are looking for Yulia , you will ask a meeting on www.webaservices.com directly at Sky Eagle from Kazakhstan, two representative will attend from the same agency.
I represent "Sky-Eagle" language center. We are looking for new partners abroad. We work with Spanish, Czech, New Zealand and English language schools. Our agency located in Kazakhstan. The USA is very popular destination among young people here.
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hi, we are best leading firm in pakistan and already we are recruiting students for uk, australia, usa, china, russia and cyprus, plz send me agent agreement,
We are the leading Educational Agent here Pakistan ANd Dubai.
We want to recruit students for your institute.
For this purpose we need the Representative ship of your institute.
Please reply to us as soon as possible.
Shahzad Ahmad
CEO A2Z Consultants Pvt Ltd.
Phone 0092 423 7803907-8
Fax:- 0092 423 7803909
Adress :- 23 Kashmir Block Allama Iqbal Town Lahore Pakistan.54000
Skype shahzad.ahmad81
Dear friends,
I am pleased to inform you that we are working with many well known organisations and institutions from all around the world, and now we have a great opportunity to work with “WESTBRIDGE COLLEGE” London (United Kingdom) as well.
We are recruiting for July session in the following courses;
2-Travel & Tourism
3-Business Management
For more details about the courses on offer please visit www.wbc.ac
If you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.
+4420 8453 0120
+4477 7178 3599
Dear Andrea!
I represent "Sky-Eagle" language center. We are looking for new partners abroad. We work with Spanish, Czech, New Zealand and English language schools. Our agency located in Kazakhstan. The USA is very popular destination among young people here.
Is it possible to meet you during the exhibition?