I am pleased to inform you that we are working with many well known organisations and institutions from all around the world, and now we have a great opportunity to work with “WESTBRIDGE COLLEGE” London (United Kingdom) as well.
We are recruiting for July session in the following courses;
2-Travel & Tourism
3-Business Management
For more details about the courses on offer please visit www.wbc.ac
If you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.
Fontys University of Applied sciences in Eindhoven offers bachelor degree programs in Engineering and ICT. Programs are completely taught in English and lead to bachelor honours degrees valid all over the world. Fontys is situated in a technology region offering many opportunities for internships and employment.
More information? visit www.fontys.edu/ICTandEngineering
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Dear Eduard,
We are seeking reputable agents to help grow our business in the UK. Our direct programmes include:
- Year Round Short-Term General, Intensive, Academic and Business English
- International Summer School (including our specialist Cambridge Intensive English, Culture and Sports Programme)
- International Winter/Spring School
- UK and European School Group Travel
For more information about the programmes we offer, please visit the website:
www.eastwesteducationgroup.com or Skype me at: mpillainayagam.
I hope to hear from you soon.
Kind regards,
Dear friends,
I am pleased to inform you that we are working with many well known organisations and institutions from all around the world, and now we have a great opportunity to work with “WESTBRIDGE COLLEGE” London (United Kingdom) as well.
We are recruiting for July session in the following courses;
2-Travel & Tourism
3-Business Management
For more details about the courses on offer please visit www.wbc.ac
If you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.
+4420 8453 0120
+4477 7178 3599
More information? visit www.fontys.edu/ICTandEngineering
Hope you are doing well.
Should we meet up at Weba Fair if you are coming?
We work with French Schools and based in Paris, France.
you can visit our website www.joinincampus.com