WEBA Canada is held this year in Ottawa on 13 November 2023. The Workshops are open to register for Agents directly at ;https://fs4.formsite.com/weba/ti9tofmvpr/indexWEBA Agent Workshops in Canada will welcome Agents from over 25 countries interested in recruiting students for US and Canadian institutions from Junior to Senior High Schools to Language Schools, colleges, Community Colleges, Universities…See More
Management Message
Blackstone edu & Immi is headed by Mr Guninderjit Singh Jawandha, and Managing
Director Harvinder Kaur . She has more than 6 years of experience in the field of
overseas education & migration counseling. Blackstone truly believes in employing
people who demonstrate professionalism and commitment in their work. We have
qualified, experienced, trained and professional counselors who offer rational and
honest opinions to students and professionals. Our experienced teachers help students
achieve a desirable score in the required English proficiency and admission-based
tests. The proficient administration staff helps in coordinating operations among various
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