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Greeting from Bluebird Overseas !!
Hi Dear ,
Bluebird Overseas is Representing more than 135+ University with more than 50+ public university . We are looking for business partner for sending us student profile for study in USA . we Share commission with our associates .we provide all services to our partners from university selection to pre departure .
Why Choose USA …..
The United States has one of the world’s finest university systems, with outstanding programs in virtually all fields. At the undergraduate level, excellent programs exist in traditional disciplines, as well as in professional fields. At the graduate level, students have the opportunity to work directly with some of the finest minds in their field of study, with the chance to become involved with exclusive research and educational opportunities. U.S. degrees are recognized throughout the world for their excellence.
Fees Structure
Public University
Undergraduate 8000 to 18000 US$
Graduate 12000 to 22000 US$
Private University
Undergraduate 15000 to 25000 US$
Graduate 18000 to 35000 US$
For Apply Please contact
Jitender Singh
Email – jitender@bluebirdoverseas.in , jitender.bluebird@gmail.com
Jind Chowk , Saffido Road , Assandh , Haryana 132039 , India
Hi Jimmy,
Are you going to attend WEBA in Las Vegas this week? If so I would be interested meeting in person to discuss some things about your website and online presence. Would you be interested?
Marcos Mena-Brena
我是美国佐治亚州亚特兰大艾弗森学院(Iverson Institute)的中国市场负责人吕岳(Yue Lu)。伴随着中国大陆经济水平的惊人的增长,越来越多的中国学生有意愿也有实力出国深造。鉴于此,我校高层把招生的重点放到了快速增长、潜力巨大的中国市场。在了解到贵公司的实力与影响力之后,我校愿诚挚地与贵校开展合作交流。
艾弗森学院成立于1986年,位于佐治亚州亚特兰大市,是一所经过专业教育机构认证的、提供大专学历(associate degree)的私人技术学院(technological college)。学校设有计算机网络技师、医师助理、药剂技师、美容美发以及英语为第二语言(ESL) 等有竞争力的课程。学校会向符合申请条件的学生提供I-20,以便其办理F-1或M-1签证。欢迎您访问我们学校的网站,对我们公司有更多的了解。希望我们能达成互补,在未来有合作的机会!
感谢您对我工作的支持! 祝您工作开心快乐!
地址: 5522 New Peachtree Road,
Suite 114
Chamblee, GA 30341
电话: 1-(404)-510-6342 (手机)
1-(770)-232-0964 转1971 (办公室)
传真: 1-(678)-607-6439
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