94 Great Portland Street, 1st Floor, London W1W 7NU
Company Profile
Association of Global Universities
1112 W. Ben White Blvd.
Austin, Texas 78704
T: 512-692-0262 F: 512-480-8866
E: agu@aguglobal.com
September 20, 2011
Dear Marketing Department,
Subject: Company Profile
Company Name: Association of Global Universities
Company Location: 1112 W. Ben White Blvd.
Austin, Texas 78704
Company Contact: Chelsea Curtis, Executive Director
Branch Locations: All branch locations bear the same name: AGU
London, England
Brussels, Belgium
Prague, Czech Republic
Paris, France
Rome, Italy
Spain: Barcelona, Bilbao, Granada, Madrid, Salamanca, San Sebastian, Sevilla, Valencia
Latin America
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Florianopolis, Brazil
Valaparaiso, Chile
San Jose, Costa Rica
Panama City, Panama
Lima, Peru
China: Beijing, Shanghai
Seoul, South Korea
Hyderabad, India
Middle East/North Africa
Amman, Jordan
Meknes, Morocco
Company Description: AGU is an affiliate company of International Studies Abroad (ISA), one of the leading study abroad providers in the United States. Building on more than two decades of experience in international education and personalized support services, AGU extends the benefits of intercultural learning to students around the world by placing students in degree or short term programs that best fit their academic and personal goals. We assist with educational planning, application, visa and pre-departure orientation among other services.
Number of Employees: 30 total employees. 5 managers and 25 Academic Consultants.
Chelsea Curtis
Executive Director, AGU
Membership in professional associations
Comment Wall (2 comments)
You need to be a member of WEBA Club 2025 to add comments!
We are Alliant International University, in San Diego, CA. We offer programs in MBA, BSBA, and DBA. We are looking for agents in your region. We offer scholarships to international students. We have on campus housing. Let us know if you'd like to work with us.
We are a non-profit, private, university with WASC accreditation. I work for the School of Management and we offer BSBA, MBA, and DBA programs.
I am pleased to inform you that we are working with many well known organisations and institutions from all around the world, and now we have a great opportunity to work with “WESTBRIDGE COLLEGE” London (United Kingdom) as well.
We are recruiting for July session in the following courses;
2-Travel & Tourism
3-Business Management
For more details about the courses on offer please visit www.wbc.ac
If you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.
Comment Wall (2 comments)
You need to be a member of WEBA Club 2025 to add comments!
Join WEBA Club 2025
Hi Maria,
We are Alliant International University, in San Diego, CA. We offer programs in MBA, BSBA, and DBA. We are looking for agents in your region. We offer scholarships to international students. We have on campus housing. Let us know if you'd like to work with us.
We are a non-profit, private, university with WASC accreditation. I work for the School of Management and we offer BSBA, MBA, and DBA programs.
Website: www.alliant.edu/asm
MBA Program: http://www.alliant.edu/asm/programs-degrees/mba/index.php
I am at arota@alliant.edu
Dear friends,
I am pleased to inform you that we are working with many well known organisations and institutions from all around the world, and now we have a great opportunity to work with “WESTBRIDGE COLLEGE” London (United Kingdom) as well.
We are recruiting for July session in the following courses;
2-Travel & Tourism
3-Business Management
For more details about the courses on offer please visit www.wbc.ac
If you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.
+4420 8453 0120
+4477 7178 3599