WEBA International Agent Workshops, London at Central London Campus (Great Titchfield Street)
May 24, 2024 to May 24, 2025
Monica Oliveira da Silva has not received any gifts yet
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Até 50% de comissões, taxas do curso de até 70% de desconto, apenas por tempo limitado. Próxima entrada em Setembro de 2020.
Envie o currículo, o passaporte e as qualificações acadêmicas do aluno para admissions@oxfordce.co.uk
Cursos de diploma conducentes a cursos de recarga para universidades
Estude no campus ou on-line
Escolha o seu campo em http://oxfordce.co.uk/index.php#
Cursos de curta duração online
CPD do Reino Unido aprovado e credenciado
Mais de 100 cursos disponíveis
As taxas partem de apenas £ 10
Encontre seu campo de estudo e cadastre-se agora !! https://onlinecourse.oxfordce.co.uk/register?ut=SF
Encontre o formulário de inscrição do aluno, o prospecto e o formulário de inscrição do agente no anexo e nossas perguntas frequentes cobriram quase a sua resposta; no entanto, não hesite em entrar em contato conosco se tiver mais alguma dúvida.
Até 50% de comissões, taxas do curso de até 70% de desconto, apenas tempo limitado, próxima entrada em junho de 2020. admissions@oxfordce.co.uk
Cursos de progressão universitária:
Cursos de diploma conducentes a cursos de recarga para universidades
Estude no campus ou on-line
Escolha é o seu campo de http://oxfordce.co.uk/index.php#
Cursos de curta duração online
CPD do Reino Unido aprovado e credenciado
Mais de 100 cursos disponíveis
As taxas partem de apenas £ 10
Encontre seu campo de estudo e cadastre-se agora !! https://onlinecourse.oxfordce.co.uk/register?ut=SF
Encontre o formulário de inscrição do aluno, o prospecto e o formulário de inscrição do agente no anexo e nossas perguntas frequentes cobriram quase a sua resposta; no entanto, não hesite em entrar em contato conosco se tiver alguma dúvida.
Student Application form
Admissions Office
Oxford College of Education
649 London Road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP11 1EZ
Tel: + 44 1494 256340, WhatsApp : + 44 74 94 91 32 16
WeChat : oxfordce
Skype :Oxfordce2017
1. English
2. Business
3. Travel and Tourism
4. Hospitality
5. Health and Social care
6. IT and Computing
7. Cyber Security
8. Accounting and Finance
Post Graduate Diploma
Level 7 Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership
Level 7 Diploma in Executive Management
Level 7 Diploma in Human Resource Management
Level 7 Diploma in Accounting and Finance
Level 7 Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management
Our courses are the first track so the student can finish each level within 6 months.
1. November
3. May
4. August
Oi, estou entrando em contato com você porque foi recomendado pelo Richard da WEBA.
(Please excuse my Portuguese, It is not very good)
Trabalhando com a UCEDA International, somos uma escola de inglês certificada pelo Conselho de Educação dos EUA. UU (Credenciamento CEA) nos EUA. UU Temos escolas em Nova Jersey, Nova York, Connecticut e Virginia.
Espero que você esteja aberto a uma conversa sobre uma possível associação como agente.
Podemos fazer parceria para ajudar seus alunos a obter o visto F1 e vir para os EUA. UU para estudar. Também podemos associar oferecendo nossas aulas de inglês virtual, elas são ao vivo dos EUA. UU Para seus alunos. Deixe-me saber se você quiser ver uma demonstração.
Aqui está um pequeno vídeo sobre o UCEDA: https://youtu.be/b82WegQY-5Q
Informações do visto F1: https://uceda.edu/
Informações sobre a aula virtual: https://uceda.org/virtual/
Curiosidades sobre a UCEDA:
Espero ouvir de você
Joseph Guerrero
Director of IEP Marketing
88 Broadway, Paterson, NJ 07505
Office: 973.653.3494 | Fax: 973.653.3495
assist students in admission to language foundation program and further admission specialization programs at the following education institutions.
1. Beijing College of Youth Politics
2. Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology
3. Beijing Qiushi Vocational College
4. Beijing Institute of Politics and Law.
5. Beijing Information and Science Technology University .
6. Beijing Middle School #65
7. Peking University
8. Beijing Union University
9. Beijing Vocational College of Agriculture
•organizing winter/summer vacation camps in Beijing (Chinese language classes, study tours). Fees start from 900 USD per person in a group of at least 10 people.
•organizing language summer camps for school children at a hot spring spa resort (80 km away from Beijing).
•organizing Chinese language courses all year round in Beijing.
•recruiting international students to several education institutions of Beijing as an official representative
In case of interest in partnership please feel free to add me on skype (chinabtour5), write me an email at chinabtour5@yandex.com or call me at +8613264554473
Hello, as the representative of Poland Study.pl which is representative of public and private universities in Poland, looking for networking opportunities mainly in the project recruitment for Polish universities, and more. Please take a look at Poland Study.pl Additionally please take a look at Moj Akademik.pl when we are looking also for possibilities of cooperation in the project of private dormitories for international students in Warsaw and beyond.
hi, we are best leading firm in pakistan and already we are recruiting students for uk, australia, usa, china, russia and cyprus, plz send me agent agreement i would like to recruite students for brazil,
Dear friends,
I am pleased to inform you that we are working with many well known organisations and institutions from all around the world, and now we have a great opportunity to work with “WESTBRIDGE COLLEGE” London (United Kingdom) as well.
We are recruiting for July session in the following courses;
2-Travel & Tourism
3-Business Management
For more details about the courses on offer please visit www.wbc.ac
If you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.
+4420 8453 0120
+4477 7178 3599
Dear Monica,
Greeting from Switzerland !
We are please to invite you to join our annual Agent Workshops held in Switzerland on the 25-26 October 2011 in the town of Locarno.
The invitation include;
- Issue of Invitation letter for entry in Switzerland
- 3 nights accommodation from the 24 October until the 27 October
- Full board
- Workshops and Conference
- Meet One to One the institutions attending
- Swiss Tour including accommodation on the 27-28 October 2011
If you wish to take advantage of our invitation please fill out the online form at ;
Deadline ; 15th of July 2011
It will be great if you will accept our invitation and to meet you in Switzerland on the 24th of October 2011 for the annual WEBA Agent Workshops 2011.
With kind regards,
Richard Affolter
WEBA Agent Workshops 2011
25-26 October 2011
phone + 41 91 730 17 34