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By; Dr.F.A.M.Badiuzzaman.

Graduated from

  Atlantic international University.USA

Education is the Key to stop corruption.


As a student Of AIU, it is opportunity to think more about education for future generation.

Education played vital rule for the development of the country, if that education work to know more and spread and share with cooperation and research and extension up to the grass root level and able to gear up the general awareness for the mass people not to capitalize in personal stock of knowledge alone.

 I think most of the under develop country as well going to be develop country face a problem with corruption and not fair politics due to  proper knowledge of utilization of their internal resources and fair practice of politics due to the lack of general awareness of the people .

Regarding method, plan, implementation procedure, transparency, liabilities obedience to the law and respect to each other and the society as well authority due to the limitation and proper education and research.

That can gradually reduce corruption.   Need to give more importance to the early education as well adult education from the grass root level to the top.  Education has no boundary. Education cannot for degree it should be for empowering knowledge, research and extension and should start from the family to the nation.

No other method effectively does that so without mass education. That goal should be achieved   for the sustainable economical growth as well established a disciplinary national where law and justice always are above of all.

 People should know what the long term plan is why and how it takes and who are the beneficiary and how it acts on the national economy for the development of the country and for the people.

 How the legislative body works on that, the budget and what are the sources for that accomplishment accordingly by the fiscal year. How much are allocated for education, research and extension.  Who are the implementing authority and their procedure for planning as well sectors coordination with related department and how stimulate is their instrument and expertise’s.

 Liabilities and transparency must be ensured according to the law by the relevant and proper implementing authority, to the private and public administration. The cost and outcome sources beneficiary and how it will beneficial to the country and for the public it will be work and future consequences.

  As well active part of the ombudsman or department of anti corruption  will ensure immediate steps taken independently and transparently  where issue rises regardless of any kinds of influence with fair practice of law for the betterment of  the country not  for any individual.

 Give full priority assure security as well proper guide line to the respective department for the full  cooperation and failure to do that so,  give proper cause and what   to do and where to get those  necessary instructional instrument without hassle in  one stop service method    for   the researcher, journalist, civic society or any interested organization to collect information. 

Practice of Constructive discussion and criticism. Not for unstable law and order situation for the political interest.

More involvement of expertise and educational instruments as well ensure all level people participation from the different society for the awareness against corruption and how to prevent by the law from the grass root level up to top

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