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Lily J. Hu
  • Muncie, IN
  • United States
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Oxford College of Education left a comment for Lily J. Hu
"Course fees up to 70% off, limited time only. Next intake September 2020. Send your Student's CV, Passport and Academic Qualifications to admissions@oxfordce.co.uk  University Progression Courses:   Diploma courses leading…"
Jul 10, 2020

Profile Information

TEC-Bridge Education Opportunity, Inc.
Company web site
Vice President/General Manager in China
2408 N. Marlborough Dr.
Company Profile
TEC-Bridge is a US-based nonprofit organization dedicated in international education and culture exchange. We help institutions to recruit international students for high schools and colleges; we recruit short term students, scholars, and managers for certificates; we promote institutions' programs abroad. Currently we are focusing on Chinese education market.

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At 11:38am on July 10, 2020, Oxford College of Education said…
Course fees up to 70% off, limited time only. Next intake September 2020.

Send your Student's CV, Passport and Academic Qualifications to admissions@oxfordce.co.uk 

University Progression Courses: 

 Diploma courses leading onto University top-up courses

 Study on Campus or Online 

 Choose is your field from http://oxfordce.co.uk/index.php#

Online short courses

 UK CPD Approved  and Accredited 

 Over 100 courses available

 Fees start from just £10

Find your field of study and register now!!   https://onlinecourse.oxfordce.co.uk/register?ut=SF


You will find almost the relevant questions and answers here,   FAQs


We have hundreds of  Online Short Courses

 Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further queries.

At 3:07pm on July 26, 2019, Oxford College of Education said…
International Pathways您好,
        首先,请允许我荣幸地向您简单介绍一下我们的学院——牛津教育学院(Oxford College of Education, OCE),一所位于英国白金汉郡,海威科姆镇的独立学院。
  我们是一所获得ASIC (Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges and Universities)批准的教育学院,同时我们也获得了英国教育标准局 (Independent Schools Inspectorate, Ofsted) 的批准。
   我们享有英国高等教育培训认证 (Awards for Training and Higher Education, ATHE),英国国家继续教育委员会认证(NCFE),我们是英国资质培训中心(TQUK) 。同时我们也是注册会计(ACCA, CBE) 和个人VUE的考点中心。我们所有资质均由英国政府资质及考试规例局(Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation, OFQUAL) 管理。
        我们也是泰晤士河谷商会和QISAN (Quality International Study Abroad Network)组织成员。
   如果您有疑问,请邮件联系我们:admissions@oxfordce.co.uk,或者打电话到我们办公室:01494 256340。并欢迎浏览我们的网站:www.oxfordce.co.uk
649 London Road, High Wycombe 
Buckinghamshire, HP11 1EZ 
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 1494256340
WhatsApp:  + 44 7984567735
At 5:29pm on June 29, 2018, Joseph Guerrero said…

Hi I am reaching out because I was referred to you Richard at WEBA.


I work with UCEDA International, we are a US Board of Education certified (CEA accreditation) English language school in the USA. We have schools in New Jersey, New York, Connecticut and Virginia.


I hope that you are open to a conversation about a possible Agent partnership.


We can partner to help your students obtain the F1 visa and come to the US to study, we can also partner by offering our live virtual English classes from the US to your students. Let me know if you would like to see a demo.


Here is a short video about UCEDA: https://youtu.be/b82WegQY-5Q



F1 visa information: https://uceda.edu/

Virtual class information: https://uceda.org/virtual/




Fun facts about UCEDA:


  • We have been in the English Language Instruction business for 30 years
  • We offer virtual learning classes, so students can study from home or from another state or country
  • We are UCSIS authorized to issue the I20 immigration document and host F1 international students
  • We are the official English to college pathway program on 3 American Universities in New Jersey


I look forward to hearing from you


Joseph Guerrero

Director of IEP Marketing
88 Broadway, Paterson, NJ 07505
Office: 973.653.3494 | Fax: 973.653.3495

At 12:24pm on March 26, 2016, jitender singh said…

Greeting from Bluebird Overseas !!

 Hi Dear ,

Bluebird Overseas is Representing more than 135+ University  with more than 50+ public university . We are looking for business partner for sending us student profile for study in USA . we Share commission with our associates .we provide all services to our partners from university selection to pre departure .

Why Choose USA …..

The United States has one of the world’s finest university systems, with outstanding programs in virtually all fields. At the undergraduate level, excellent programs exist in traditional disciplines, as well as in professional fields. At the graduate level, students have the opportunity to work directly with some of the finest minds in their field of study, with the chance to become involved with exclusive research and educational opportunities. U.S. degrees are recognized throughout the world for their excellence.


Fees Structure

Public University    

                              Undergraduate  8000 to 18000 US$

                              Graduate            12000 to 22000 US$


Private University

                               Undergraduate   15000 to 25000 US$

                               Graduate             18000 to 35000 US$



For Apply Please contact


Jitender Singh


Email – jitender@bluebirdoverseas.in  , jitender.bluebird@gmail.com


Jind Chowk , Saffido Road , Assandh , Haryana 132039 , India





At 10:10pm on December 11, 2013, Jill Duoto said…

Hi Lily,

If you are interested in recruiting students for our high school in San Diego, California, please check out my profile and watch the videos I just posted. For more information I can be reached at jill@highbluffacademy.com

At 7:15pm on June 6, 2012, M D M said…

Dear friends,

                   I am pleased to inform you that we are working with many well known organisations and institutions from all around the world, and now we have a great opportunity to work with “WESTBRIDGE COLLEGE” London (United Kingdom) as well.

We are recruiting for July session in the following courses;


2-Travel & Tourism

3-Business Management


For more details about the courses on offer please visit www.wbc.ac

If you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.





+4420 8453 0120            

+4477 7178 3599            

At 9:07pm on February 21, 2011, Leo Maessen said…

Dear Sir, Madam, 


At the oncoming agent fair in Ascona (March 29 and 30) Fontys University is looking forward meeting agents who are interested to cooperate with us. We are willing to set up cooperation agreements with you related to the acquisition of eligible freshmen studentsn who are interested to study at bachelor or master level at our university. We offer complete taught programs in English in the field of Engineering, ICT, Business, Marketing, Management and logistics.

Please have a look at our website: www.fontys.edu/ICTandEngineering

Hope to see and talk to you on March 29 and 30.


KInd regards,

Leo Maessen

Director Fontys University Engineering College, The Netherlands 

At 12:25pm on June 22, 2010, Joyce Ying said…

WEBA:London Calling 2 April2025

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